On January 24th, 2025, Read United Day will reach across Bryan, Chatham, Effingham, Liberty, and Long counties, placing books in the homes of students across the region. Nearly 1,000 United Way volunteers will read to classrooms and leave a new book behind for each class. In Bryan, Effingham, Liberty, and Long counties, every child will receive a new book to take home. This year, in Chatham County, UWCE is piloting a new program that incentivizes children and families to engage with local public libraries through exciting competitions. Using their student ID, they can access the public library, participate in programs, and borrow up to 5 books at a time. In total, your support will benefit more than 20,000 children on Read United Day!
Sponsorship Levels
GOLD – $5,000
- Recognition in press releases
- Logo placement on posters, e-newsletter, website, and newspaper ad (as available)
- Recognition on all United Way social media platforms
SILVER – $3,000
- Logo placement on posters, e-newsletter, and website
- Recognition on all United Way social media platforms
BRONZE – $1,500
- Logo placement on e-newsletter and website
- Recognition on all United Way social media platforms
FRIENDS – $500
- Recognition on all United Way social media platforms